#HidingReadAThon wrap-up
I've had so much fun being social/antisocial this weekend! Thank you so much to everyone who joined us - be that in spirit or in actuality ;) I'm definitely looking forward to hosting another one if people are interested!
#HidingReadAThon Highlights
Link up!
My reading and writing progress during #HidingReadAThon
Devoting this bank holiday weekend to mostly being antisocial was wonderfully relieving for me. I always feel stressed out over socialising because it just tires me out kind of quickly (obviously there are exceptions to this!).But in any case, this weekend I read a few pretty amazing books! My goal was to read six but that didn't happen and I'm perfectly okay with that :)
[covers link to my short GR reviews]
As for writing, I did manage to put at least an hour aside for plotting every day! I kind of wish I'd done more than I have, but I still have *does the maths* ...3 days? I have three days to prepare. HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN? WHERE DID MARCH GO?! I thought I was happy with my writing progress but excuse me while I go and panic about finishing my outline now, okay?
Since I'm putting together the surprise prizes today and tomorrow, can you do me a favour (even if you didn't take part in the ReadAThon)?
There are a few things I would love to know:
There are a few things I would love to know:
- What is your favourite bookish fandom (or two if you absolutely can't pick just one!),
- Would you be interested in another Read-A-Thon?, and
- (just because I'm curious - ) Are you doing Camp NaNo in April?