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The Sunday Post: in which it's all too much

By 16:00:00

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme for sharing our news, and plans for the next week, hosted by the wonderful Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Hello lovelies!

Things actually happened this week, but not in a good way... My cat passed away and I've been in mourning, but also stressed out because I have a meeting with my dissertation supervisor on Monday (despite it being a bank holiday!). So I've taken this week to slow down and be sad, and now I'm going to get back to everything and kick some academic ass (hopefully).

I'm also looking forward to catching up with all of you lovelies' blogs. I feel so bad about being kind of unavailable this past week - but I'm here now!

 The Progeny by Tosca Lee
Thriller with some supernatural elements.
 Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
YA time travel!



Is anyone else reading the Star-Touched Queen? Let me know!

✦ Review of Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin
(And things I meant to have up this past week, for example:)
✦ A post about the end of Camp NaNoWriMo
How was your week? What have I missed around the blogosphere this week? What are you reading?

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