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The Sunday Post: in which I get to go home soon

By 16:00:00

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme for sharing our news, and plans for the next week, hosted by the wonderful Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Hello my lovely internet narwhals!

We're finally getting some sun and it feels like summer! On top of that, I just got a ticket home so I'm heading there on Wednesday. You could say I'm pretty excited :)

I'm pretty busy doing my dissertation research now. I've got a meeting again tomorrow (yay!) to go over my bibliography and chapter outline and then I'll be treating my dissertation as a 9-5 job, basically. Is there a better way to spend a summer?

 April Top 5 YA Recommendations + ARC challenge updates
I recap ARC April and start up on the May Clean Sweep Challenge
 Bookish Confessions: I love YA (too much?)
A discussion post - you're welcome to join in!
 Conversations: Reasons to blog
A bit GIF heavy...
 BookBuddyAThon TBR!
My TBR for the next week.
 The Fourline Trilogy by Pam Brondos
Pretty awesome fantasy trilogy about a student who goes through a portal into another world.
 Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin
Alternate history where Hitler is still alive in the 1950's.


Basically, I got a massive amount of approvals for ARCs in two days and so... yay.

And I got a few things for my kindle...

✦ Review of  A Fierce and Subtle Poison
✦ (Finally) a post about the end of Camp NaNoWriMo
✦ A Bookish Confessions post!

How was your week? Did anything good happen? Let me know!

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