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Bookish Confessions:
I Can't DNF (teach me your ways)!

By 20:45:00

Not Finishing a Book. How Do You Do It?

Sometimes I see people post DNF reviews. It's pretty cool because it let's you see what people don't like in books they read as opposed to what you usually get. But it always just makes me think, what? how? How do you just stop reading a book?

Getting pulled in even if a book isn't that good.

{Yep. I've read some really bad books.}

Once I start a story I usually read the first twenty pages or so without realising it. And so, even if the story isn't that gripping or I have some issues with it, I still can't stop. Not when I've started.

The fear of missing out.

{What if on page 89 it gets *really* good all of a sudden?!}

Or what if the author's being tricky and is actually giving you the wrong impression of their characters on purpose? Or, or, or, what if it's just a slow start?
One book I actually DNF'd (kind of) about seven years ago was the Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss. I started it again a month or two later and devoured it. It's basically my favourite book now.

So much jealousy.

{Why do I torture myself?}

It would be so amazing to be able to stop reading books that you don't immediately love. I envy those who can DNF books. You need to tell me how. How do you do it? Teach me, please!

So... Do you DNF books? How often? Is it a struggle?

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